The Lover in Me...
I am still a work in the making. HE is definitely not finished with me yet...I strive to be a woman my mom would have been proud of.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Not your Average Model: Behind the Seams: Fall 2013 Fashion Trends
Not your Average Model: Behind the Seams: Fall 2013 Fashion Trends: Fall is absolutely one of my favorite seasons of the year. It is the return of NFL football (Go DOLPHINS - Did she just say Dolphins, yes I ...
Monday, July 22, 2013
Thursday, December 22, 2011
All I want for Christmas....
Is a Chevy Camaro!!! I want it black on black everything.

Oh, and some money would be great also :).
Oh, and some money would be great also :).
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Hair update!
Still loving my hair. It's now been 9 months since I big chopped. It's been a year since I had a relaxer (Nov 2010).
My first braid-out :)
My natural hair is just to brown for my own good, so I got my red rinse put back in. Love it!
Personal update coming soon...
My first braid-out :)
My natural hair is just to brown for my own good, so I got my red rinse put back in. Love it!
Personal update coming soon...
Monday, June 27, 2011
I did my first finger coils....
Well, they weren't my first but the pics I took for my first finger coils were not appropriate for the internet LOL

My hair is coming along quite nicely. I'm loving the Shea Moisture line. Love love love their Curl and Shine Shampoo. It leaves my hair so soft! And I also use their Curl and Style Milk. Right now my staple hair items are my Glycerin and water mix and my Ecostyler Olive oil gel. REALLY SIMPLE. I'm four months post Big Chop and I have about 2 inches of hair. My hair looks really healthy and strong. I'm loving it! *thumbs up*
I decided to finger coil my hair last week because I needed something to do with it and I wanted something that would last me the whole week. It took me about an hour and that's only because I'm anal and particular :). I washed and conditioned my hair with Curl and Style Shampoo and the Aussie Moist Conditioner (this has to be the best conditioner ever). Then I put a little leave in conditioner, wet my hair with the water and glycerin mix and put a 'lil Curl and Style Milk. I did my coils in small sections and would apply gel when I got to the section. And these were my results.

I was pretty happy with my results.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor.: You Win........
The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor.: You Win........
He's blogging again, but I can't comment on his post. So I'll link his post to get his attention. Mike come out of hiding Lol.
He's blogging again, but I can't comment on his post. So I'll link his post to get his attention. Mike come out of hiding Lol.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
This is for Eye-EE-Sha! LOL
This post is for you :)
I was kinda quick in my last post but it was mainly because I was crazy sleepy and trying to procrastinate on writing my personal statement.
The 1st question, my natural journey. I didn't have a crazy mishap such as my hair falling out or burning off. As you can see by the picture on the right side of my blog, my hair grows with no problem. I happen to run across MopTopMaven's channel in late December and I was mesmerized by her hair and remembered when I had long, thick beautiful hair like hers. I asked myself "Why do I keep burning my scalp with relaxers?" I decided that day that I was gonna go natural. I told my bestie on gchat and she had mixed reactions, which was fine by me. I asked my boo at the time how he felt about having a bald chick on his arm and he said he could handle it as long as I could, that's all the encouragement I needed. I planned on transitioning until my birthday in May but by January I was tired of dealing with the 2 textures, so I called my stylist up and set an appointment for February 11th. I think I spent the entire month of January watching videos. I soaked in so much information, so I could know what I was getting into lol. I did decide that I wasn't going to be a product junkie and I wasn't about to be spending 8 hours doing my hair. So I got bits and pieces from a lot of naturals and came up with my own SIMPLE routine. I've loved every minute of this journey. My hair fascinates me because I haven't really seen it since the 8th grade when I begged my mother for a relaxer. Back then, I was tired of being the girl with the crazy thick long hair that I didn't know what to do with. I'm more prepared now and loving it!
Second question, my job. I work in the health industry, working in the STD program. I basically notify people when they have a lab come back positive for an STD. I then have to ensure that they get treated to stop the spread of the disease. It can become pretty stressful when you have folks that don't care to get treated. I sometimes have to make home visits to find folks to bring them in for treatment. I've also been certified as a Phlebotomist, so I can draw blood now. I was terrified at first at the thought of having to stick someone with a needle but now I love it :)! It's a pretty dynamic job and I'm learning so much.
And last question, school. I'm going back to school to pursure my Masters in Social Work. I think I came out of the womb an activist and it's time I use my talents. So I want to further my education and get a 'lil smarter LOL.
Oh, and I no longer have a boo. I have no idea what happened. We were fine at my bestie's wedding in April and about 2 weeks later he just seemed to go crazy on me lol. I'm ok with it, I'm just upset at him for ruining over a decade of friendship because he couldn't be upfront with me about whatever he had/has going on.
So yea, I'm pretty excited about what's coming in these next two years. That's how long I have until I'm 30 and I need to get the ball rolling.
You were right Ieisha, this was a whole new blog post just answering your questions, lol.
I was kinda quick in my last post but it was mainly because I was crazy sleepy and trying to procrastinate on writing my personal statement.
The 1st question, my natural journey. I didn't have a crazy mishap such as my hair falling out or burning off. As you can see by the picture on the right side of my blog, my hair grows with no problem. I happen to run across MopTopMaven's channel in late December and I was mesmerized by her hair and remembered when I had long, thick beautiful hair like hers. I asked myself "Why do I keep burning my scalp with relaxers?" I decided that day that I was gonna go natural. I told my bestie on gchat and she had mixed reactions, which was fine by me. I asked my boo at the time how he felt about having a bald chick on his arm and he said he could handle it as long as I could, that's all the encouragement I needed. I planned on transitioning until my birthday in May but by January I was tired of dealing with the 2 textures, so I called my stylist up and set an appointment for February 11th. I think I spent the entire month of January watching videos. I soaked in so much information, so I could know what I was getting into lol. I did decide that I wasn't going to be a product junkie and I wasn't about to be spending 8 hours doing my hair. So I got bits and pieces from a lot of naturals and came up with my own SIMPLE routine. I've loved every minute of this journey. My hair fascinates me because I haven't really seen it since the 8th grade when I begged my mother for a relaxer. Back then, I was tired of being the girl with the crazy thick long hair that I didn't know what to do with. I'm more prepared now and loving it!
Second question, my job. I work in the health industry, working in the STD program. I basically notify people when they have a lab come back positive for an STD. I then have to ensure that they get treated to stop the spread of the disease. It can become pretty stressful when you have folks that don't care to get treated. I sometimes have to make home visits to find folks to bring them in for treatment. I've also been certified as a Phlebotomist, so I can draw blood now. I was terrified at first at the thought of having to stick someone with a needle but now I love it :)! It's a pretty dynamic job and I'm learning so much.
And last question, school. I'm going back to school to pursure my Masters in Social Work. I think I came out of the womb an activist and it's time I use my talents. So I want to further my education and get a 'lil smarter LOL.
Oh, and I no longer have a boo. I have no idea what happened. We were fine at my bestie's wedding in April and about 2 weeks later he just seemed to go crazy on me lol. I'm ok with it, I'm just upset at him for ruining over a decade of friendship because he couldn't be upfront with me about whatever he had/has going on.
So yea, I'm pretty excited about what's coming in these next two years. That's how long I have until I'm 30 and I need to get the ball rolling.
You were right Ieisha, this was a whole new blog post just answering your questions, lol.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
My life is constantly evolving. I think God likes to keep me on my toes, or else I'll become complacent or something. *shrug* Who knows?

Hope all is well with everyone else. 'Til next time....
I'm liking my new job. It can be a little stressful but I love knowing that I'm helping others. And I'm getting to see a segment of society that I wouldn't see otherwise. I'm getting to see parts of Miami that I know for sure I would never see. They're are people living in extreme poverty in this "great" country of ours. It makes me so grateful for the things I'm blessed with. It may not be much, but it could be a whole lot worse, that's for sure.
I'm finishing up my application process for grad school. All I have left is my 6 page personal statement, which is due in 2 days *YIKES* I'm such a procrastinator :-/.
I absolutely LOVE my natural hair :).!! Lol It's grown very well in these past 3 months, although one probably couldn't tell because of this dern shrinkage! It's gonna be the death of me lol. And it's finally long enough for me to pull it back with a headband. See...

Hope all is well with everyone else. 'Til next time....
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Year....Lots of changes
A lot has happened since this year has started. First I have a new boo. Yaay me! I know I can't talk about him without getting long-winded, so I'll save him for another post.
I got a new job!! Making a lil' (and I do mean little) more money. But it's in my field and the department has a partnership with the Masters program I'm trying to get into, so it works. I willing to grind it out for now to get where I want to be. And my job offers tuition waivers for up to 6 credit hours per semester! Score!!! So I'll be going to school for FREE! I loves free stuff :).
I finally did what I've been wanting to do for over a year....I went NATURAL!!! And I LOVE it!! And everyone seems to love it on me. The boo went with me for moral support and he loves it. He kept running his fingers through my hair, or my scalp (as my bestie would say lol). I washed my hair myself for the first time on Thursday and it was so easy. I kept feeling like I should wash it some more because I'm used to having a load of hair to wash. And I've almost got my regiment down. I'm simple, so I need my regiment simple. I'm trying to avoid becoming a product junkie. So far, so good.
This year has started out so much better than last year. I was in a bad place at the beginning of 2010, but my God has truly shown me His favor and I'm so glad about it. So happy and Hopeful.
Oh, and if anyone wants to volunteer to help me update my blog I would really appreciate it. I haven't updated the look of this thing since I started it. I'll pay you in smiles *cheese* :)
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Was....
Great this year. I did a ridiculous amount of driving, but it was worth it. I stopped off on my way to Orlando to give my two nieces from my brother and my niece from my sister their gifts. And I informed my siblings that now that they have babies, they will no longer receive gifts lol. I only care about the babies getting gifts for Christmas. I just counted how many siblings I have for sure, and the count is at 13! Wth? Who's gonna buy gifts for 13 siblings, NOT I! My mother had 6 kids including me and my dad has 7 that we know of. He might have some others scattered around. My dad put the "rolling" in the P.apa was a rolling stone phrase.
After I dropped off the gifts I continued on in my journey to Orlando Friday night. And apparently I'm being courted because I was surprised with tickets the Orlando Magic and Boston Celtics game on Christmas Day!!! What a gift? He's knows I love sports, mainly football, but basketball is up there too. We had such a good time. I was looking like one of the girls who doesn't even watch sports though. I was in 5 inch heels navigating the Amway Arena because I wasn't told where I was going. I was told to dress casual and that I could wear my heels (casual for me is skinny jeans, cute top and 4+ inch heels). I kept feeling like I was gonna bust my behind going up and down those steep steps. All of the other women were in flats and casual jeans :). Ah well, I have to be cute wherever I go. We then went to dinner. After dinner we went home to change and went to a gathering of old classmates from high school and college. It was so nice. They guys were in suits and the ladies in their nice dresses. My kinda shindig.
Our view from our seats
After I dropped off the gifts I continued on in my journey to Orlando Friday night. And apparently I'm being courted because I was surprised with tickets the Orlando Magic and Boston Celtics game on Christmas Day!!! What a gift? He's knows I love sports, mainly football, but basketball is up there too. We had such a good time. I was looking like one of the girls who doesn't even watch sports though. I was in 5 inch heels navigating the Amway Arena because I wasn't told where I was going. I was told to dress casual and that I could wear my heels (casual for me is skinny jeans, cute top and 4+ inch heels). I kept feeling like I was gonna bust my behind going up and down those steep steps. All of the other women were in flats and casual jeans :). Ah well, I have to be cute wherever I go. We then went to dinner. After dinner we went home to change and went to a gathering of old classmates from high school and college. It was so nice. They guys were in suits and the ladies in their nice dresses. My kinda shindig.

Sunday I attended the wedding of one of my high school homies. It was very nice affair held at the W.yndham hotel. The bride's gown was custom-made and Red! Very bold! But she pulled it off well. Now her bridesmaids, ugh, that was another story. Most of those chicks were a hot ghetto MESS! There were tattoos everywhere and possibly bullet wounds. She picked the dress that is convertible and everyone could make their own. One chick chose to have her belly hanging out with the biggest stomach tattoo I've EVER seen on a woman. It was quite disgusting to say the least, because she definitely didn't have a six-pack. Who does that??? All in all it was good to see old high school friends and "The Boys" as our group of guy friends are affectionately called.
My bestie, that lives in Miami, didn't want to get on the road after wedding so we decided to get on the road in the morning. My bestie, from Tallahassee, that I haven't seen since Memorial weekend were up talking until 2 o'clock in the morning. And I had to be up at 4:45 to be on the road by 5:30am. Need to say, I've been a walking zombie at work today.
Loved my weekend though *sigh*
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